Having a great reputation is an asset to your business. It is the first thing people will want to look up about your brand, and can ultimately make or break your operations. Reputations are built over the course of time through an honest dedication to serving customers, as well as employees. Despite building a strong base of support and loyalty, all this can topple and be changed overnight by negative content links and reviews on the internet. Whether or not the reviews are true or not, they are undoubtedly a big hit to your brand’s reputation and must be addressed as soon as possible.
Despite what they say about the internet and how everything posted stays permanent, there are several techniques and strategies that you can employ to manage these damaging reviews. The trick to this is to highlight specific content as much as possible so that defamatory information appears less and less on search engines. This is a process called “Reverse Search Engine Optimization,” and targets the goal of making negative comments disappear or drop down the ranks in search engines.
Take note that the whole process does not actually remove these negative links from the internet, but instead pushes it down by bumping up more positive content for viewers to see.
There is no doubt that negative reviews and connotations can strike a potential customer significantly. Anyone who puts your brand through a search engine and sees a bad review or two may possibly write you off as a potential product or service they are seeking.
This is especially true for smaller companies and businesses, as they often have less manpower and operating capacities. For these companies to grow, they will need as many positive links and internet reviews as possible.
Leaving these terrible perceptions of your brand in the open can do a variety of other things. These include destroying your perceived ability to deliver properly, discredit the quality of your products and services from a personal and professional standpoint, and more.
Ideally, the goal to completely remove the negative search result from search engines. If reviews are done on pages you have control over, then this proves to be less of an issue. What if the content is done on pages that are far from your control? This is where it proves to be a challenge. Fear not, though, because there are methods you can take to do this easily.
Each review is a unique case and should be viewed objectively. What you can do first is contact the owner of the internet domain to explain why a review set about your brand is inappropriate. This can be grounds for removal if successfully done. It also helps to know the terms of use of search engines, as some reviews may be controversial and are grounds for termination. An example is Google forbidding the publication of personal information or financial statements about businesses or people involved, as well as discriminating content against individuals. This will remove the page or links from appearing on the search engine results page. The last one, and albeit the most expensive one, would be to consult with legal experts for legal recourse. Although this may be effective, it can also attract greater negative publicity when done.
Protecting your brand name is essential for future growth, and this is by no means an easy thing to do. When partaking in the business industry, you will receive all kinds of customers and have good days and bad days. Mixing these two may cause all kinds of turmoil, but rest assured that there are methods to grow your business despite these occurrences.
We offer online content removal services using cutting edge strategies to maintain your business’ reputation. Don’t let these destructive comments linger and get your free quote today!
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